Friday 19 May 2017

Healthy Foods That Boost Your Brain Power

7 Minute Mindfulness

March is Brain Awareness Month. It gives us all a reminder to nourish our neurons and soothe our synapses, and this is even more important for older adults. A person's brain may have more years of use, but that does not mean there is not a lot within every person's individual control that can help the brain function at its best at any age. Here are six suggestions for helping your brain or that of an elder in your orbit to be as brain healthy at 80 as at eighteen.If you're interested in brain training, 

The first thing that comes to mind is probably video games like Brain Age or Big Brain Academy, or maybe another online program like Lumosity. In fact, probably every brain training method you can think of is probably some sort of product that will set you back a little money. But the fact of the matter is that brain training could be totally free, and even more effective then the paid solutions out there. Without further ado, I present the Ultimate Guide to Free Brain 

Training.Learn how to protect your brain from aging prematurely! It can begin with the daily stress that attracts a person into depression. An untreated depression for 6 months leads to a disease of memory. Statistics show that one in two people with untreated depression develops a memory disease.There is no doubt that as people age, the physical body will also mature. However, some research studies show that people can actually increase the chances of maintaining optimal brain health even with old age.

7 Minute Mindfulness Review

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